MHSA Committees

Why join a Committee?
Committees serve many important roles in our association process and to the Board of Directors, including:
A training ground for future association and community leaders.
An important link between the Board of Directors and the membership.
Most committee meetings are held virtually. The committee decides the best time and date for them.
Committees need members to be effective!
Member's input, involvement, and participation is a must.
Our community needs you!
Public Policy Committee
There are four sub-committees under Public Policy: National, Regional, State
and Dollar Per Child. This committee helps to develop the Public Policies of the Association and keep our membership informed of action and issues that impact Head Start, Early Childhood, Families, and Staff. Work with other MHSA committees to ensure no duplications of actions.
Marketing & Outreach Committee
There are three sub-committees under Marketing Outreach: Membership,
Community, and Alumni. This committee will develop plans to bring new community members into the Association, help create outreach media (social and traditional), collect and analyze data when needed for marketing purposes, attends community events, plans outreach activities, and develops membership benefits. Work with other MHSA committees to ensure no duplications of actions.
Training & Technical Assistance Committee
This committee helps to develop the training calendar by collecting
data from the membership on training needs and working with other Early Childhood Associations to develop joint training. The committee also ensures the membership is aware of training opportunities on the local, regional and national level. Members will also review and analyze data collected from training and conferences. Work with other MHSA committees to ensure no duplications of actions.
Parent Engagement Committee
If any of these committees sound interesting to you and something you would like to be a part of, let us know!